Lead Sheet Music

Chord Sheet

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CHORUS Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Clap clap clap) Hosanna (Clap clap clap) Hosanna Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Clap clap clap) Hosanna (Clap clap clap) Hosanna Wave your branches, shout His praise, He's our King who's come to save, Save us, Jesus, as we pray: We want you as our King, Jesus We want you as our King
VERSE 1 See your King ride in peace on a donkey, not a horse for war, As revealed through the words of His prophet many years before. See the crowds lay their coats down before this humble King of Kings. Just as He'd lay His life down for all, so at His throne we'll sing....

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Lyrics Sheet

Palm Sunday Song

This Palm Sunday Song is a vibrant celebration of this special day in the Christian calendar. The lyrics meaningfully capture the essence of Palm Sunday, celebrating the joyful arrival of Jesus, with a joyful catchy melody. It's ideal for congregational family worship, allowing everyone to engage actively in singing and movement. To enhance the experience, you could use props like palm (or any) branches to wave, percussion instruments to keep the rhythm lively, and, if you're really feeling adventurous, find a donkey to add a fun touch to the festivities! This engaging atmosphere is not only uplifting but also reinforces the significance of this special day.
VERSE 2 Hear the children shout to their King with loud applause and cheers. Yet he knows within days this will change to 'crucify' and jeers. Hear how those who would stand up against Him try and hush the crowds. Yet he knows that if nobody praised the stones would shout out loud......


Lead Sheet


Chord Sheet

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CHORUS Let’s celebrate this new life, Jesus gave us new life, When He died and rose, He broke The power of sin and hell. Let’s celebrate this new life, Jesus gave us new life, Now we all can leave behind Our cracked empty eggshells.
VERSE 1 Deep inside an egg, inside a nest, New life is waking. In the dark hear “tap, tap, tap” Against the shell that’s breaking. Deep inside a tomb, so dark and cold On Easter morning, Death is changing into new life As the day is dawning. Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack

Lyrics Sheet

The Easter Egg Song , also known as Deep Inside an Egg is a joyful celebration of Easter that compares Christ’s resurrection and the new life He brings to the hatching of a newborn chick from an egg. It combines profound meaning with creative fun, making it ideal for family worship or children's church. Ideally, this song should be led by a worship leader who gives a speech (written below) after the second chorus. This speech paves the way for the entire congregation to “cluck” the third verse, which can be hilariously entertaining!!
VERSE 2 Breaking free from out the shell New life has finally woken, In the light hear "crack, crack, crack" The shell, so tough, is broken. In the tomb, the light is shining in On Easter morning. Christ has risen from the grave A brighter day is dawning. Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack
Optional narrative: LEADER : So, the mother hen, on seeing the baby chick break free from the egg, and the empty tomb where our Lord’s body once lay, was filled with so much awe and wonder that she burst forth into poetic praise, and this is what she said…… ALL : (Chicken impressions to the verse melody)
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Lead Sheet


Chord Sheet

Please feel free to download and use these resources to use in your church gathering
CHORUS Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Clap clap clap) Hosanna (Clap clap clap) Hosanna Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord (Clap clap clap) Hosanna (Clap clap clap) Hosanna Wave your branches, shout His praise, He's our King who's come to save, Save us, Jesus, as we pray: We want you as our King, Jesus We want you as our King
VERSE 1 See your King ride in peace on a donkey, not a horse for war, As revealed through the words of His prophet many years before. See the crowds lay their coats down before this humble King of Kings. Just as He'd lay His life down for all, so at His throne we'll sing....

Lyrics Sheet

Palm Sunday Song

This Palm Sunday Song is a vibrant celebration of this special day in the Christian calendar. The lyrics meaningfully capture the essence of Palm Sunday, celebrating the joyful arrival of Jesus, with a joyful catchy melody. It's ideal for congregational family worship, allowing everyone to engage actively in singing and movement. To enhance the experience, you could use props like palm (or any) branches to wave, percussion instruments to keep the rhythm lively, and, if you're really feeling adventurous, find a donkey to add a fun touch to the festivities! This engaging atmosphere is not only uplifting but also reinforces the significance of this special day.
VERSE 2 Hear the children shout to their King with loud applause and cheers. Yet he knows within days this will change to 'crucify' and jeers. Hear how those who would stand up against Him try and hush the crowds. Yet he knows that if nobody praised the stones would shout out loud......


Lead Sheet


Chord Sheet

Please feel free to download and use these resources to use in your church gathering
CHORUS Let’s celebrate this new life, Jesus gave us new life, When He died and rose, He broke The power of sin and hell. Let’s celebrate this new life, Jesus gave us new life, Now we all can leave behind Our cracked empty eggshells.
VERSE 1 Deep inside an egg, inside a nest, New life is waking. In the dark hear “tap, tap, tap” Against the shell that’s breaking. Deep inside a tomb, so dark and cold On Easter morning, Death is changing into new life As the day is dawning. Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack

Lyrics Sheet

The Easter Egg Song , also known as Deep Inside an Egg is a joyful celebration of Easter that compares Christ’s resurrection and the new life He brings to the hatching of a newborn chick from an egg. It combines profound meaning with creative fun, making it ideal for family worship or children's church. Ideally, this song should be led by a worship leader who gives a speech (written below) after the second chorus. This speech paves the way for the entire congregation to “cluck” the third verse, which can be hilariously entertaining!!
VERSE 2 Breaking free from out the shell New life has finally woken, In the light hear "crack, crack, crack" The shell, so tough, is broken. In the tomb, the light is shining in On Easter morning. Christ has risen from the grave A brighter day is dawning. Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack Tap, tap, tap Crack, crack, crack
Optional narrative: LEADER : So, the mother hen, on seeing the baby chick break free from the egg, and the empty tomb where our Lord’s body once lay, was filled with so much awe and wonder that she burst forth into poetic praise, and this is what she said…… ALL : (Chicken impressions to the verse melody)
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